德智馨远 草木荣华
所属学院:星空体育·(中国)官方网站,XINGKONG SPORT
• 新型有机污染物基于液相/气相色谱-高分辨质谱的分析方法开发
• 有机污染物的人体暴露途径及其与健康的关系
• 有机污染物的环境分布、转化与生物富集
• 有机污染物在人体中的代谢产物与生物标志物的鉴定
• 新型被动式采样技术的开发与在环境中的应用
• 有机污染物非靶标分析
个人简述:何畅,博士,广东工业大学“青年百人A+”特聘教授,澳大利亚昆士兰大学荣誉研究员。2019年1月毕业于澳大利亚昆士兰大学环境科学专业,获哲学博士学位(PhD)。2019-2023年,在昆士兰大学先后担任博士后研究员和研究员(讲师)。长期从事有机污染物的环境来源、人体暴露及其对人体健康的影响。迄今为止,共主持科研课题7 项,总经费超2100 万人民币。其中,主持1 项欧盟AXA 研究基金会面上项目、1项澳大利亚科研理事会Linkage科研项目与1项澳大利亚国家健康与医学科研委员会科研项目;主持2 项澳大利亚联邦政府横向合作课题、1 项Minderoo 基金会横向合作项目。获得“中国分析测试协会科学技术二等奖”等。在Environ. Sci. & Technol., Water Res. 等环境科学权威期刊上发表学术论文50余篇,其中第一或通讯作者18篇。
2007.09-2011.07 中央民族大学,环境科学理学学士
2011.09-2014.07 中央民族大学,环境科学工学硕士
International Journal of Environmental Research and Publica Health客座编辑
美国化学会(American Chemistry Society)成员
SETAC(Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry)成员
• 2022年,AXA Research Fellowship
• 2018年,昆士兰大学环境与健康研究所年度最佳论文一等奖
• 2018年,中国分析测试协会科学技术奖(CAIA奖)二等奖
• 2015年,澳大利亚国际留学生科研奖学金
Chang He *, Louise van Mourik, Sicco Brandsman, Phong Thai, Xianyu Wang, Shuo Chen, Kevin Thomas, Jochen Mueller. Semi-quantitative characterization of bromo-chloro paraffins and olefins in the Australian environment. Environmental Science & Technology, 2022, 56, 12452-12459.
Chang He, Jiaying Li, Guangming Jiang, Shuo Chen, Cherry Niel, Zhiguo Yuan, Jochen F. Mueller, Phong Thai*. Transformation of phthalates and their metabolites in wastewater under different sewer conditions. Water Research, 2021, 190, 11674.
Chang He*, Louise van Mourik, Shaoyu Tang, Phong Thai, Xianyu Wang, Sicco H. Brandsma, Pim E.G. Leonards, Kevin V. Thomas, Jochen F. Mueller. In vitro biotransformation and evaluation of potential transformation products of chlorinated paraffins by high resolution accurate mass spectrometry. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2021, 405, 124245.
Shaoyu Tang, Chang He*, Phong K. Thai, Amy Heffernan, Soumini Vijayasarathy, Leisa Toms, Kristie Thompson, Peter Hobson, Benjamin J. Tscharke, Jake W. O’Brien, Kevin V. Thomas, Jochen F. Mueller. Urinary concentrations of bisphenols in Australian population and their association with the per capita mass load in wastewater. Environmental Sciences & Technology, 2020, 54, 10141−10148.
Zongrui Li, Chang He*, Phong Thai, Xianyu Wang, Jennifer Bräunig, Xiaojun Luo, Bixian Mai, Jochen F. Mueller. Organophosphate esters and their specific metabolites in chicken eggs from across Australia: occurrence, profile, and distribution between yolk and albumin fractions. Environmental Pollution, 2020, 262, 114260.
Long K Tran#, Chang He#, Dam Hoang Phuc, Leisa-Maree L. Toms, Xianyu Wang, Meng Xiu, Jochen F. Mueller, Adrian Covaci, Lidia Morawska, Phong Thai*. Monitoring organophosphate and brominated flame retardants in passenger cabins: application of car air filters as active samplers. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2020, 91, 142-150. (#共同第一作者)
Shaoyu Tang, Chang He*, Phong Thai, Soumini Vijayasarathy, Rachel Mackie, Leisa-Maree L. Toms, Kristie Thompson, Peter Hobson, Ben Tscharke, Jake W. O'Brien, Jochen F. Mueller. Concentrations of phthalate metabolites in Australian urine samples and their contribution to the per capita mass loads in wastewater. Environment International. 2020, 137, 105534.
Chang He*, Sicco Brandsma, Hui Jiang, Jake O’Brien, Louise M. van Mourik, Andrew Banks, Xianyu Wang, Phong Thai, Jochen F. Mueller. Chlorinated paraffins in indoor dust from Australia: Levels, congener patterns and preliminary assessment of human exposure. Science of the Total Environment. 2019 682, 318-323.
Chang He*, Xianyu Wang, Shaoyu Tang, Phong Thai, Zongrui Li, Christine Baduel, Jochen F. Mueller. Concentration of organophosphate esters and their specific metabolites in food in southeast Queensland, Australia: is dietary exposure an important pathway of organophosphate esters and their metabolites? Environmental Science & Technology. 2018 52, 12765-12773
Chang He*,#, Karin English#, Christine Baduel, Phong Thai, Paul Jagals, Robert S. Ware, Yan Li, Xianyu Wang, Peter D. Sly, Jochen F. Mueller. Concentrations of organophosphate flame retardants and plasticizers in urine from young children in Queensland, Australia and associations with environmental and behavioural factors. Environmental Research. 2018 164, 262-270. (#共同第一作者)
Chang He*, Leisa-Maree L. Toms, Phong Thai, Nele van den Eede, Xianyu Wang, Yan Li, Christine Baduel, Fiona A. Harden, Amy L. Heffernan, Peter Hobson, Adrian Covaci, Jochen F. Mueller. Urinary metabolites of organophosphate flame retardants: concentrations and age trends in Australian children. Environment International. 2018 111, 124-130.
Chang He*, Xianyu Wang, Phong Thai, Christine Baduel, Christie Gallen, Andrew Banks, Paul Bainton, Karin English, Jochen F. Mueller. Organophosphate and brominated flame retardants and plasticizers in Australian indoor environments: levels, sources and preliminary assessment of human exposure. Environmental Pollution. 2018, 235, 670-679.
Chang He*, Xianyu Wang, Phong Thai, Jochen F. Mueller, Christie Gallen, Yan Li, Christine Baduel. Development and validation of a multi-residue method for the analysis of brominated and organophosphate flame retardants in indoor dust. Talanta, 2017 164, 503-510.
Chang He, Jun Jin*, Guangyao Li, Ying Wang. Exchange of organohalogen compounds between air and tree bark in the Yellow River region. Chemosphere, 2016, 153, 478-484.
Chang He, Jun Jin*, Ying Wang, Zhaohui Ma, Songjie He, Mingyuan Li. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers, dechlorane plus, and polychlorinated biphenyls in tree bark near the Yellow River, China. Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry. 2014, 33 (8): 1732-1738.
Chang He, Jun Jin*, Bailin Xiang, Ying Wang, Zhaohui Ma. Upper Yellow River air concentrations of organochlorine pesticides estimated from tree bark and their relationship with socioeconomic indices. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2014, 26(3), 593-600.
何畅,金军*,吴辉,王英,李光耀,田旸. 固相萃取-气相色谱-质谱法测定树皮中卤代阻燃剂. 分析化学. 2013, 11(41): 1681-1687.
何畅,金军*,马召辉,王英,扎西卓玛,马丽花. 青海省西宁市与天峻县大气中得克隆与十溴联苯醚的水平与来源. 环境科学. 2013, 3 (34), 1129-1135.
基于新型生物标志物评价人体对新兴有机污染物的暴露(AXA foundation),€ 125,000,2022-2024
利用城市污水分析新型污染物在澳大利亚的时空分布 (Australian Government 2000011000),2021,AU$ 127,397.30
持久性有机污染物在澳大利亚大气中的时空分布 (Australian Government 2000011071),2021,AU$ 130,481.20
三手烟对澳大利亚居民暴露METH的影响 (ARC LP200200591),2021-2024,AU$ 296,579.00
全氟化合物及其前体物的人体暴露与人体转化 (NHMRC APP1189660),2020-2023,AU$ 509,160.00
氯化石蜡在人体血清中的生物富集与半衰期 (UQ ECR2057581),AU$ 35,000.00,2020-2021
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